The top permanent makeup place in Orange County, CA - Artistry Of Permanent Makeup



Tattoo Removal - Consultation Needed

The unfortunate thing about tattoos is that they are permanent - or, meant to be permanent, so they're pretty much going to be with you for life. If you're one of those unlucky people stuck with a tattoo you're dying to have removed, we have a solution for you.

Up until now, a laser seemed to be the only form of removing a tattoo. Painful? Yes. Lengthy? Yes. Does it remove all of the colors? No. So - obviously, it has drawbacks.

Using Saline Solution, we're able to gradually remove all of the coloring in a tattoo that is no longer wanted.

Enter Two Breakthrough Methods: Saline Tattoo Removal and Rejuvi Tattoo Removal.

Unlike a laser, both of these revolutionary treatment methods gradually remove all of the coloring in a tattoo. GREAT NEWS for those who are looking to get their tattoo removed once and for all.

Keep in mind, tattoo removal is a process; your unwanted tattoo will not be removed in one session; it could take several sessions depending on the type of tattoo you've got. This is why we suggest coming in for a consultation.

Check out examples of the success we've had with using Saline and Rejuvi as tattoo removal treatment methods.

Therefore, please call Deanna at 858-361-9168 or email her to discuss a saline solution tattoo removal procedure or to book a consultation or treatment.

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